4 Podcasts for Mindset and Business Success

Woman talking into podcast microphone while smiling

Podcasts are a great way to get information and tips while multi-tasking (for that read cleaning or working out). Here are a couple of my favorites. What I love about each of them is how they give you realistic bite-size ways to implement the research they present.

The Mind Your Business Podcast by James Wedmore

Wedmore is a multi-seven-figure online businessman and his weekly show offers practical marketing and business strategies for entrepreneurs and small business owners. While he has a breadth of business know-how and offers interviews from leaders in the industry, he also offers a healthy dose of mindset tricks and a sprinkle of woo-woo. He’s the ideal balance of the why and how to run a successful business.

But even if you aren’t starting a business—I would still tune-in. His approach to wealth and productivity are via the “anti-hustle” method-and we could all use a little less busy in our lives.

If you’ve ever wondered how to combine mindset, metaphysical practices and profit-building-this podcast is for you. Wedmore’s positive attitude and realistic expectations the results are almost guaranteed.

Learn more here.

Happier Podcast by Gretchen Rubin and Elizabeth Craft

On the Podcast Happier, Sisters Gretchen Rubin and Elizabeth Craft offer realistic simple tips on how to make your life, your home, and your business happier. The best part is most of the tips are backed- up by hard evidence and scientific research removing the option of doubting their suggestions. Rubin, an attorney turned writer, and Craft, a TV writer, and producer, start every episode with a “try this at home” piece that you can easily integrate into your daily life.

A lot of the content is drawn from Rubin’s various books including the Happiness Project, Better Than Before, and The Four Tendencies. If you haven’t taken Rubin’s 4 tendencies quiz-you can link to it here. In this framework she offers a different approach to the typical Myers Briggs analysis on your personality type—but Rubin goes further and offers insights into what and how the 4 Tendency types are motivated and respond to outer expectations.

This is fun and uplifting podcast to join you on your next long drive or cooking dinner and since Rubin and Craft are both writers there are a lot of pro tips on how to improve your creative streak—I promise you’ll leave feeling “Happier” with uncomplicated tools for everyday life.

Learn more here.

Smart Passive Income by Pat Flynn

While Pat Flynn’s motivating enough to keep you going during your workout you’ll want a piece of paper and a pen handy for his resources and tips that are practical and easy to implement. Flynn has built a brand on transparency and he lives his promise—he even publishes his monthly revenue right on his website (his income reports).

Flynn is an architect turned online business guru known for his blog, podcast and best-selling book Will it Fly which helps readers decipher if their idea has market potential.

Flynn is accessible (so is his assistant that emailed me materials I heard Pat reference on another podcast), honest and a leader in the online business and brand success.

Whether you have a hobby blog, an online business or a major company, Smart Passive Income can help you monetize and optimize your offerings. SPI is a MUST listen for all entrepreneurs and wanna-preneurs alike.

Learn more here.

Beyond the To-Do List by Erik Fisher

In this weekly interview show, Fisher delves into the science and research of productivity. With guests ranging from medical doctors to big names in business (and everything in between)—Fisher calls it the “people behind the productivity.” The show has a focus not just on business success but rather on how to live a more balanced and productive life overall. His style is calm, focused and empowering while keeping this topic fresh and fun with daily (easy) take-aways you can implement without a PhD.

Fisher is also the co-author of the book Ready, Aim Fire: a practical guide to setting and achieving goals helping readers both set and crush their goals.

If you love learning more about productivity, goal setting and goal achieving this is a great one to check out.

Learn more here or only your favorite podcast app.



What is your favorite way to digest new information? Books? TV? Podcasts? Do you listen to podcasts and if so which ones? Email me here, I’d love to connect (and if you like these articles please share them with a friend!).


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